Intelligent Spend Management - Level Up Your Game to Minimise Complexities

Gaurav Baheti
Sep 26, 2022·3 min

Spend management, which aims to save costs, boost profits, and increase efficiency, involves processing, analysing, and managing a firm’s non-payroll spending. The massive amounts of data being gathered, cleaned up, categorised, and evaluated provide for improved control & perspective over corporate expenditure, which opens the door for innovative tactics and expansion chances.

Painting the larger picture is basically what managing spending entails. An organisation-wide, consolidated library of cleaned and categorised expenditure data provides a detailed view of inefficiencies, cost-saving potential, and allocation of resources possibilities. A strategic plan for spend management establishes regulations and limits firm spending to maximise efficiency, boost earnings, and attain maximum potential.

Spend Management: What Is It?

To safeguard your economic bottom line, firms employ the process of spend management to monitor, manage, analyse, and optimise organisation-wide expenditure. This covers charges for managing supplier/vendor connections, purchasing tools and software, paying for business-related travel and leisure, etc. Payroll and refunds for employee expenses are not included in this.

Effectiveness and cost-cutting are CPO’s top goals for the upcoming 12 months, as per Deloitte’s 2021 World Procurement Executive Study of 400 procurement experts.

Why is Intelligent Spend Management Crucial?

According to a McKinsey analysis, external spending accounts for 40–80% of a company’s overall costs. The statistics speak for themselves. Therefore, we won’t have to describe how detrimental poor expenditure control may be for your company.

Companies risk leaving themselves vulnerable to long-term revenue loss and financial leakage if they don’t have real-time insight into and management of their expenditure. Therefore, spend management software is used to handle the hard lifting by firms who realise and wish to reduce this risk. The programme reduces wasteful overspending while also assisting finance teams in locating cost-saving options.

The most remarkable technique for managing risks is to remain flexible and proactive. Spend management simplifies the process for businesses to identify dangers and make thorough prior preparations for them, thanks to market data, supplier evaluations, and a contract management system. Further, spend management solutions also assist businesses in reducing risks by providing periodic alert messages and updates regarding contracts & markets.

The “Why” Behind Spend Management

Recognise Your Suppliers

Typically, the inclination is to control connections with essential suppliers. The worldwide epidemic taught everyone that it was insufficient. A positive experience increases your supplier’s thought leadership. High brand recognition pays off whenever the supply is constrained, and the provider’s executive must decide.

Delivering a good supplier experience depends on your capacity. It is said to assess your vendors in bulk and quickly extrapolate actionable insights from that subjective response at all periods (regular or emergency).

Supply Chain Stability

As a result of numerous earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and geopolitical conflicts such as trade wars, businesses are accustomed to supply interruption. However, COVID-19 served as a reminder that distribution network transparency and resilience alone are insufficient.

The rapid development of collaboration technologies, digital tools like digital signature administration, and shared data systems provide the required framework for creating a trustworthy, adaptable, and flexible supplier network.

Process Intelligence for P2P

Corporate transformation is essential for businesses of all sizes, and they must understand what prevents it. P2P process optimisation can offer a lot of value & open doors for other sectors. Companies may swiftly explore, benchmark, enhance, and alter business operations to adapt to new abilities by combining process mining using analytics & machine learning.


Corporate management anticipates that the procurement system will become proficient in digital technology and deliver better support without raising e-procurement costs. Clients utilising business technology platforms may achieve mobility, business value, business value, and ongoing innovation through connectivity, data to benefit, extensibility, and third-party programmes and data resources.

The secret is to control the budget. The distinction will be made by holding the spend “intelligently”. Procol’s smart spend analysis helps companies simplify their sourcing process while giving 100% visibility into the spend data across categories. Businesses who’ve utilised Procol have cumulatively saved INR 1000 Cr+ through its easy-to-use software and intuitive dashboard. Schedule a demo to understand how your business can benefit from this next-generation procurement software.

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Spend ManagementProcurement software